At what age should I start weight training?

At what age should I start weight training?

More and more young people want to practice this sport before they come of age. Is it advisable for minors to do bodybuilding? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a practice? What are the choices of exercises? Does weight training prevent growth? Weight training is a sport with great potential, but it is not a good idea to...

Why is it important to be well hydrated in bodybuilding?

Why is it important to be well hydrated in bodybuilding?

Today in France, 75 % of individuals do not hydrate sufficiently during the day. Considering the importance of water for the proper functioning of the human body, this figure is particularly alarming. The practice of a sport activity, whether it is weight training, fitness or running, requires to be well hydrated.

The ultimate cheat meal guide: how to treat yourself without compromising your diet?

The ultimate cheat meal guide: how to treat yourself without compromising your diet?

Well-known to bodybuilding enthusiasts, the cheat meal is a way of indulging in previously forbidden foods. In this way, it helps to break the difficulty of a lean diet, which is based on lower calorie intake. Used wisely, the cheat meal has a number of...