An elderly man with white hair and beard performs a squat with a bar on his shoulders.

How do I train for bodybuilding after 50?

Can we make weight training after 50 ? Contrary to popular belief, the answer is yes! In fact, it's widely recommended, given the many benefits of physical activity. Of course, after a certain age, build up your body is becoming increasingly difficult. But with the right fitness program and diet, it's still possible to sculpt your pecs, abs, biceps, triceps and glutes. With these few tips, you'll be back in shape in no time!

How to choose a weight training program after 50?

Whether you're looking to gain mass or lose weightThese tips will help you achieve your goal.

Incorporate resistance training into your workouts 

Building muscle at 50 necessarily involves resistance training. But what exactly does this mean?

The aim is to apply stress to your muscles in order to create micro-lesions in the muscles. muscle fibres. These fibers will then rebuild themselves in the days following the session, and grow in size at the same time.

This is the principle ofhypertrophy. And this applies to both the upper and lower body.

There are several ways to tension your muscles: 

  • Bodyweight on certain exercises (push-ups, pull-ups, squats, etc.)
  • With resistance elastics
  • Using barbells and dumbbells
  • Training on guided machines for greater stability

L'resistance training also helps to strengthen joints. Be careful, however, to build up gradually.

The beginners will prefer body-weight exercises or exercises with elastic bands, before starting to work with light loads. Because, yes, it is possible to start bodybuilding after the age of 50!

A man in his fifties, wearing a blue T-shirt, does an upper-body exercise with rings in a gym.
Bodyweight training is ideal for preserving already fragile joints.

Experienced exercisers, on the other hand, can push cast-iron directly, making sure that the loads are appropriate.

In both cases, don't hesitate to call in a sports coach who knows how to accompany you.

You don't need to own kilos of equipment to make progress. In the gym or at home, you can lose fat and build muscle with a few well-chosen pieces of equipment.

Work the whole body

To initiate a physical transformation At 50, it's essential to exercise all your muscles, both upper and lower body.

Adopting a balanced training program is the key to your muscular development.

Opt for basic exercises (bench press, military bench press, squat, etc.) to stimulate the major muscle groups, then complete each session with some isolation exercises.

This way, you'll have enough rest time between each workout to recover properly.

Remember, it's when your muscles rest that they build.

Focus on your mobility and strength. There's no need to push or lift heavy. It's much better to use lighter weights, but be careful not to overdo it. execution technique. This will help you avoid unnecessary injuries (backache, joint pain, etc.).

Your workout should not exceed 1 hour.

Take part in complementary sporting activities

For someone who wants to getting back into sport at 50If you're an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or just want to stay in shape, it can be a good idea to complement weight training with other physical activities.

It's always best to vary your activities so as to mobilize all your muscle groups and stay in good health. As far as possible, opt for activities that have less impact on the joints.

For example, combining muscle-strengthening exercises with cardio is an excellent way to maintain your cardiovascular system. For example, spread 3 strength training sessions and 1 other type of session over the week.

Here are some ideas for complementary activities: 

  • Gentle gymnastics Combining breathing, balancing and cardio movements, this method is designed to strengthen your core muscles. deep muscles and improve your posture.
  • Pilates or yoga For those who want to strengthen their abdominal muscles gently but effectively, this is the activity to choose. It combines fitness, stretching and relaxation, toning every muscle in your body. You'll also gain in flexibility and mobility.
  • Walking : the benefits of walking are numerous. This activity helps to reduce joint pain and tone the body.
  • Aquagym If you suffer from osteoarthritis, arthritis or muscular pain, this is the sport for you. Water acts as a precious aid, accompanying your every movement. It is generally practised in group classes.
  • The skipping rope If you don't suffer from joint problems, this is one of the most complete sports available. It involves both upper and lower limbs, improves your balance and breath, and helps you burn calories.

Listen to your body

Does a movement hurt? Don't feel comfortable doing an exercise?

Fortunately, there are many different ways to target a muscle. How you feel counts. It's even more important than anything else. If you need to, call in a professional coach who can advise you on the best exercises to do, taking into account your needs and background.

In a weight room, a man over 50 does abdominal exercises, seated on a fitness mat, assisted by a sports coach.
Hiring a sports coach is an excellent way to stay in shape or get back into shape.

Don't forget to warm up well before each trainingfor at least 15 minutes. You'll limit the risk of injury. This is true at 20, but even more so at 50, when your joints (wrists, elbows, hips, knees, etc.) start to suffer.

Finally, before taking the plunge, don't hesitate to seek medical advice.

Example of a weight training program after 50

Here is an example of physical training program for a 50-year-old. You can do this with bodyweight and elastic bands, or with loads in a weight room.

Session 1: pectorals and shoulders

ExercisesNumber of repetitions
Pumps4 x 10 repetitions
Bench press3 x 8 repetitions
Military developed4 x 10 repetitions
Lateral elevations3 x 8 repetitions
Frontal elevations3 x 8 repetitions

Session 2: Cardio or postural strengthening (walking, swimming, cycling, yoga, etc.)

Session 3: Legs

ExercisesNumber of repetitions
Squat4 x 10 repetitions
Single-leg deadlift3 x 8 repetitions
Walking lunges3 x 10 repetitions
Standing calf extensions4 x 12 repetitions
Pelvic elevations4 x 10 repetitions
Abdominals (crunches)4 x 10 repetitions

Session 4: back, biceps and triceps

ExercisesNumber of repetitions
Horizontal pulling4 x 10 repetitions
Rowing bent over4 x 10 repetitions
Biceps curls4 x 10 repetitions
Hammer grip curls4 x 10 repetitions
Overhead extensions4 x 12 repetitions

The role of nutrition for seniors

Protein-rich nutrition

In addition to training, a muscle gain relies heavily on the quality of the food you eat.

Eating properly will give your body everything it needs to function at its best.

As such, you must be careful to respect your total calories. The latter can be adjusted according to whether you want to lose or gain fat.

The same applies to the distribution of your macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids)...

In particular, I would like to draw your attention to the role of proteins. A 2017 studyconducted by a team from McGill University in Canada and published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical NutritionFor example, a study by the University of California, Berkeley, found that people in their fifties (and over) consumed protein only at dinnertime.

This macronutrient is essential for maintaining muscle mass and independence. The researchers therefore concluded by inviting the over-50s to consume protein at all meals (morning, noon and evening).

In addition, favor natural foods and avoid ultra-processed products rich in sugar and fat as much as possible. Here are some foods you can use on a daily basis: 

  • White meat (chicken, turkey, etc.)
  • The fish
  • Eggs
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Wholegrain products
  • Oilseeds

Finally, don't overlook thehydrationessential to support muscle building.

A senior man exercising with two small dumbbells in his hands.
Diet and hydration are the keys to good health.

What dietary supplements should you take after age 50?

After a certain age, to stay in good health, it may be worthwhile to supplement with vitamins and minerals.

Bear in mind that supplements are only intended to supplement needs not covered by your solid diet.

Why not also turn to spirulinaan algae with many virtues, capable of slowing the effects of ageing?

Finally, a question that often comes up with my students is: Can whey be taken after the age of 50?

The answer is yes, of course. Protein powder is an excellent way of ensuring a sufficient protein intake day after day, especially if you find it difficult to achieve this with your usual meals.

The benefits of weight training

The body undergoes many changes over the course of a lifetime. This is particularly true as we age. Lifestyles change too, as older people tend to be more active and sedentary

This means adapting your nutritionThe older you get, the more likely you are to suffer from arthritis. In fact, the older you get, the more likely you are to suffer from sarcopeniaA loss of natural muscle mass that can make certain daily activities difficult.

This change is the result of a change in the rate of your hormonesincluding lower testosterone levels. This contributes to the atrophy of the body's deep muscles and, in some cases, to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal strap. So you have to fight to maintain your muscle tone.

An illustration of the gradual decline in testosterone levels throughout a man's life.
Testosterone production in the body declines over time.

I would add that it is more difficult to build muscle, because the aging of the body prevents the proper development of the protein synthesis.

The more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body will burn, which is very important to avoid accumulating too much fat. body fat. It is this combination of effects that means aging is often associated with weight gain.

If you don't make strength exercises regularly, and you don't change your diet, then you will inevitably gain body fat.

In summary, weight training after 50 is ideal for : 

  • Burn calories
  • Reduce cardiovascular risk
  • Improve cognitive functions 
  • Release feel-good hormones (endorphin)
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Improve breath and endurance
  • Developing motor strength
  • Rejuvenate the body

Can you really build muscle after 50?

Between the drop in testosterone and the muscle wastingIs it really possible to gain muscle after the age of 50?

Of course you can! It's possible to build muscle, whatever your age! Whether you choose to train in the gym or at home, you'll see your body change in just a few months.

Don't forget that your muscle-building program must be combined with quality nutrition. With a good dose of willpower, you'll have everything you need to move mountains. The proof is in the form of these 2 team students who have achieved remarkable physiques at over 50 years of age.

2 before-and-after photo montages of two bare-chested men over 50 who took part in a sports coaching program with Julien Quaglierini.
Patrice and Gilles, 2 students from the team who have transformed their physique at over 50 years of age.

On the other hand, it would be a lie to tell you that this will happen in a matter of weeks. If that's the case for a 20-40 year-old bodybuilder, you'll need more time and patience when you're over 50.

Whatever the case, it's vital to stay active as long as possible. To do this, choose the right exercises and work at your own pace.

If you use the services of a coach, he or she will guide you through the process of fitness. I've designed a course specifically for men over 40 who want to regain their vitality. Click here to find out more.


As you can see, age is not a barrier to sport practice. With a training program adapted to your abilities and a good diet, it's perfectly possible to build muscle as a senior citizen. On a broader level, weight training after 50 is highly recommended to counter the effects of old age and stay fit for the long term. good health.

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Sur le meme sujet que : How do I train for bodybuilding after 50?


  1. Good article julien, you had done the same one for muscle building after 40 years old and it was very useful for me. It would be necessary to make a subject on the muscular maturity which would enable us to know a little more. By the way, congratulations to Albert for these extraordinary results

  2. Interesting, in spite of the fact that after a certain age the energy is not the same to push very heavy. It is better to have practiced a minimum of sports than to start weight training at 50. I am 48 years old and have always done several sports that have kept me in shape. I'm not the athlete of the year either but I know that we can get results after 40, I'm proof of that. Always a pleasure to read your articles julien. Best wishes

  3. I'm 48 years old and it's true that I'm not running around as much as I did when I was 20... That said, I train more rationally and more intensely. To this day, I'm still progressing by enjoying my training.
    I prefer to be regular at the gym.
    See you in 10 years for an opinion on sports at 60 🙂

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