How to push heavier in the bench press?

How to push heavier in the bench press?

The bench press is one of the most popular exercises in weight training. It involves many muscles of the upper body, from the pectoral muscles to the triceps, shoulders, biceps, trapezius and abdominal muscles. But many weight trainers stagnate and wonder how to progress with the bench press. In this article, I will explain how to...

Polyarticular exercise: for whom and why?

Polyarticular exercise: for whom and why?

Multi-joint exercises are the foundation of many strength training programs. These basic movements mobilize several muscle groups and are therefore particularly suitable for beginners who want to build muscle quickly. Supplemented by isolation work, these strength training exercises are also very useful for advanced practitioners. Discover all that...

Do you know the voluntary contraction in bodybuilding?

Do you know the voluntary contraction in bodybuilding?

Many practitioners of bodybuilding or bodybuilding regularly use voluntary contraction. This technique of execution aims at carrying out exercises in the fitness room in full consciousness so as to trigger muscle hypertrophy. But is this relationship between the muscle and the brain really beneficial in the context of mass gain? What is the...

Should you train to muscle failure to gain mass?

Is it necessary to train for muscular failure to gain mass?

Many bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts choose to train to muscle failure. Conversely, others argue that this intensification technique actually slows down hypertrophy and increases the risk of injury. So what's the truth? Find out in this article about the advantages and disadvantages of...

How many push-ups a day to get a muscular body?

How many push-ups a day to get a muscular body?

How many push-ups do you need to do a day to build up your body? This is a question that deserves to be addressed. We are not all equal in bodybuilding and the answer depends on our gender, morphology, as well as many other parameters. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, there is always a way to build muscle.