How to gain dry muscle in bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding: is it possible to gain dry muscle?

Gain dry muscle is the main objective of many bodybuilding practitioners. But is it really possible to gain in muscle volume without gaining fat? Unfortunately, no. Talking about dry muscle is actually a misnomer. In fact, gaining mass necessarily means gaining fat. However, we will see that it is possible to limit this phenomenon to obtain a beautiful musculature.

How does muscle gain work?

To gain muscle, it is essential to combine weight training sessions with a caloric intake excess. Your diet should be high in protein.

One method of gaining muscle is in two phases:

  • phase 1: achieve a mass gain ;
  • phase 2: perform a dry run.

To gain dry muscle, the first step is to gain muscle mass. This includes the implementation of an appropriate diet. You must consume more calories than you need to gain weight. This caloric surplus is the main foundation of any weight gain.

Once you have gained enough weight and built muscle, you can then begin a dryer by gradually reducing your caloric intake. The goal is to eliminate excess fat while retaining most of the muscle gained in the first phase. This will give you a muscular and trim physique. If you go too fast, it is very possible that you will lose what you have gained, so be patient.

Want to know your caloric needs and the ideal macronutrient distribution to reach your goal? Don't wait any longer, use the calculator available on the site.

With a food plan in caloric deficitThe risk during the dry phase is to lose the hard-earned muscle development. Such a process requires rigor and can be complex for a beginner. It is therefore preferable to be accompanied by a coach in this stage.

The bodybuilders who have to present a physique on stage also do it but in a very extreme way. Indeed, the majority of people do not necessarily want to look like the competitors but rather to be a better version of themselves and in good health.

Why today is a clean or dry mass gain called a "clean"?

Previously, competitors used a technique called a dirty" weight gain (or "dirty bulking" in English). This consisted in reaching a caloric surplus quickly by eating poor-quality food (processed foods, sweets, fast food, etc.). Outside competition periods bodybuilders therefore gained a lot of weight and fat, which they then lost during their muscle definition.

This dry was extremely tiring for the body and more difficult to achieve. Indeed, this technique brought the body of the bodybuilders to the limit of obesity, so the next phase was to lose fat as quickly as possible.

This method of gaining weight is now outdated. Indeed, it can be dangerous for your health because of the important weight variations undergone by the body during the year. Today, bodybuilding professionals prefer dry mass gain (or "clean" mass gain).

A bodybuilder after a mass gain.
Bodybuilders have long used the "dirty" method of mass gain.

Over the years, studies and experience have shown that a slight caloric surplus is more than enough to build muscle. This caloric surplus must, however, be based on healthy, unprocessed foods to stimulate the body's own metabolism.muscle anabolism and stay healthier.

What is dry mass gain?

Dry muscle is the process of building muscle by limiting fat gain. To do this, unlike a "dirty" mass gain, a dry mass gain aims to gradually increase the calorie count consumed.

This method allows to have a muscular physique and harmonious all year round, without going through a heavy weight gain phase. It is true that this process is slower, but it avoids frequent weight changes.

To gain dry muscle, your meal plan should be based on a caloric surplus of between 200 and 500 calories per day depending on several parameters.

With regard to the trainingsIn order to achieve the best results, you should follow a weight training program consisting of basic exercises (bench press, squat, pull-ups, deadlift, etc.) and movements in isolation. The addition of intensification techniques (pre-fatigue, pyramidal, supersets, dropsets, etc.) will allow for more efficient muscle development.

To optimize your muscle building by moderating the fat intake, the ideal is to call upon a sports coach professional. To help you gain muscle properly, I've built a 12-week program specifically for building your own mass: the PHYSICS PRO MASS.

Is it really possible to gain dry muscle?

In reality, in the literal sense of the word, it is impossible to gain dry muscle. This is a misnomer.

Only people who are new to bodybuilding or who are overweight can succeed in gaining volume without fat. Of course, this does not last. For everyone else, it is illusory to want to gain muscle without gaining fat.

On the other hand, it is possible to sculpt a muscular physique by reducing the appearance of fat. As we have already mentioned, this is done mainly through diet. But for optimal results, the 2 phases mentioned above are essential. (mass gain followed by a dry period)

Such a physical transformation takes time. Gaining 5 or 10 kilos of muscle will require following a precise training plan for several months or even years. Therefore, patience and rigor are two key elements to become lean and muscular.

Food supplements and muscle growth

In bodybuilding, there is no magic recipe. Avoid brands that promise you quick results by consuming miracle products. Spoiler, they won't work. In the worst case, they may even be dangerous for your health.

To gain dry muscle, your diet must be perfectly calibrated and based on a consumption ofhealthy and varied foods. In terms of macronutrients, about 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight will help you reach your goal. But what about dietary supplements?

An athlete consuming a shaker of food supplements.
Food supplements will help you gain muscle mass.

As their name indicates, the food supplements are a complement to your basic diet. The whey protein powder and BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) can, among other things, help you reach your daily quota of proteins. These supplements are therefore effective in helping to build muscle volume.

If you have trouble gaining weight, gainers can eventually be of interest. Rich in carbohydrates and lipids, a gainer can easily increase your caloric intake. However, be careful to look at the composition of the product, because many gainers of poor quality are sold on the market.

If you have the opportunity, it's even better to make your own homemade gainer. For a healthy, high-calorie gainer, all you need to do is mix barley flakes, whey protein, almonds, honey, banana or avocado and a little almond milk.


In the world of bodybuilding and fitness, dry muscle means building muscle without gaining too much fat. Indeed, it is impossible to bulk up without a minimum of fat. The latter is essential for your muscle growth. If you want to build muscle properly, you will need to implement a proper nutritional plan and train effectively at the weight room. In summary, to gain dry muscle, you must first make a clean mass followed by a dry.

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