Sport for couples: 5 exercises to do at home

Sport for couples: 5 exercises to do at home

Have you ever thought about doing sports with your spouse? It's obvious to everyone that it's easier to be motivated when you're together. But if your sports partner is your life partner, the sports session will be a moment of complicity, laughter, mutual aid, in short, it will be much more effective. Here are 5...

How to choose your weights to build muscle properly?

How to choose your weights to build muscle properly?

Building muscle and sculpting your body requires a lot more thought than you might initially imagine. Number of repetitions, tempo, exercises, rest times... All these elements need to be taken into account to optimize your training. But the most important element in gaining muscle remains the choice of weights. Loads...

Everything you need to know about bodybuilding tempos for effective training

Everything you need to know about bodybuilding tempos for effective training

There are many different intensification techniques for increasing the efficiency of your workouts. One of the most effective is tempo, in other words, the speed of execution of a repetition, its frequency. It's a factor that few weight-lifters take into account, and wrongly so. In fact, mastering your tempo and managing your effort time is an essential element...

All you need to know about continuous tension in weight training

All you need to know about continuous tension in weight training

In weight training, there is a very wide range of techniques that allow you to improve or sculpt your physique. These exercises can be very tiring, which is why there are often breaks to regain your strength. For example, when you do squats, it is possible to blow when your legs are...

How to slim down your waistline with the stomach vacuum?

How to slim down your waistline with the stomach vacuum?

The vacuum, and more precisely the stomach vacuum, is a hypopressive abdominal exercise, which solicits the transversus abdominis, a deep muscle of the abdomen, and which tends to strengthen the abdominal belt to make the stomach flat but not only. What is the vacuum? It is an exercise of isolation, because it is exclusively the transverse muscle that is...

Dips: how to perform this multi-functional bodybuilding exercise?

Dips: how to perform this multi-functional bodybuilding exercise?

In bodybuilding and fitness, bodyweight exercises are important and can be integrated into any program. The dips are no exception to the rule and allow you to request several muscle groups. Discover how to build up your triceps and pectorals with this fundamental exercise, which can be done at home or in the gym...

How quickly will I see my body change with weight training?

How quickly will I see my body change with weight training?

The goal of a strength training program is to change the way your muscles look. Whether it's to build muscle or just to get a flat stomach, only time and hard work determine the results. Discover important information about bodybuilding to help you achieve your goals in the shortest possible time...