A shirtless man in his 40s sits on a weight bench in a gym.

Bodybuilding after 40: can you keep progressing?

Can we make weight training after 40 ? If you still doubt it, the answer is yes. On the other hand, as you know, the body changes with age. Testosterone levels drop and the muscular growth becomes more difficult, unlike fat gain. 😢 But then, is it impossible to reach your goals?

In this article, you'll see that adopting the right sports program and by taking care of your lifestyle, it's perfectly possible to build muscle even after the age of 40! 💪

Why is it harder to build muscle after the age of 40?

After the age of forty, the human body is faced with profound changes. physiological changes. In this respect, training after the age of 40 is nothing like training a 20-year-old, whatever the sporting activity.

Indeed, ageing leads to reduction in natural hormonesWhether it's the testosterone level - on the order of 1 % per year from age 30 onwards1 - orgrowth hormone.

The diagram below illustrates this natural phenomenon. Between the ages of 18 and 30, men produce the most testosterone. This makes it the ideal time for muscle gain.

A diagram showing the decline in testoterone levels in men after the age of 30.
Testosterone production in the body declines over the years.

After this age, hormone levels drop. 📉 Regeneration of the synthesis of proteins to muscle will take longer. Muscle gain becomes progressively more difficult. But difficult doesn't mean impossible! The proof is in the form of these team students who have managed to improve their physique, even after the age of 40.

Photos of the physical transformations of two students of sports coach Julien Quaglierini, who have lost weight.
Photos of the physical transformations of Julien Quaglierini's students.

The same applies to weight loss and physical recovery. If, at 20, you had no trouble recovering from a dietary lapse 🍟 or a party, it's not the same story at 40.

In men, fat is stored more in the buttocks. abdominal beltFor women, it's a similar story. For women, the situation is identical, except that fat is more likely to be found on the buttocks and hips. 

In short, after a certain age, the metabolism slows down. Gaining muscle, losing weight and recovering well after exercise then become more challenging tasks. 😤

If you don't engage in any physical activity, it can have an even more negative impact on your body and your overall health.

To start a physical transformation at 40 or more, you will need to pay particular attention to the 3 pillars below: 

  • Weight training 🏋️
  • Nutrition 🥗
  • Healthy living 😴

Let's look at this in more detail.

5 tips for building muscle at 40

After the age of 40, you absolutely must adapt your training program and take certain precautions you didn't take before.

Take the time to warm up

After a certain age, all bodybuilders become more prone to injuries. 🚑

That's why it's all the more important to warm up before each session. I'll tell you how in this detailed article.

Opt for a 15-minute muscle and joint warm-up before lifting weights. You can start by using a cardio machine (bike, rowing machine, etc.), before moving on to targeted warm-ups for the muscles involved in your training.

This will raise your body temperature and promote blood flow. 

In addition, before each basic exercises that make up your training (bench press, military press, squat, etc.), remember to perform an initial series with low loads.

Two men smile as they chat in a fitness room, one standing, the other sitting on an elliptical.
Pay particular attention to your warm-up.

Increase the number of repetitions

Bodybuilding at 40 means rethinking the organization of your gym sessions. 

Your joints and ligaments become more fragile. It is then not advisable to work with weights that are too heavy. ❌

Conversely, use lighter loads with a higher number of repetitions: 

  • 8 to 12 repetitions for the upper body
  • 12 to 20 repetitions for the lower body

This will enable you to sculpt your muscles, without putting too much stress and strain on your joints. This will help you avoid injury.

You can also use intensification techniques like time under tension to optimize your muscular development.

Take care of your execution technique

Whether you are 20, 40 or 60 years old, your execution technique exercises and your posture must be perfect. 

This is even truer as you age, because your body no longer has the same strength. Poor posture can easily lead to injury.

Combine free weights and weight machines

For gain muscleUse a combination of free weights and machines. 🤝

In young exercisers, the body is capable of working exclusively with weights. But as you get older, your stabilizing muscles begin to weaken. This exposes your ligaments and tendons.

The use of a weight training device reduces this risk. This is why we recommend it for athletes over 40, especially if you're just starting out or are returning to exercise after a break.

On the other hand, certain exercises like the deadlift and squat can be risky for your back and joints. It's best to opt for alternative exercises, such as those suggested in the sample program below.

Do some cardio

Making cardio is essential for anyone over the age of 40. 🏃

Once you reach this age, your metabolism isn't as fast as it used to be. Therefore, in addition to improving your physical conditionRegular cardio sessions will keep your body fat down. 

Secondly, this type of exercise is an excellent way to preserve your cardiovascular system 🫀 and stay healthy for longer.

Try programming cardio-training sessions 2 or 3 times a week. Don't hesitate to walk 15 to 30 minutes a day. In addition to weight training, this will increase your metabolism, which is essential for weight loss.

Example of a strength training program after 40

This example of a training program is based on the famous Push Pull Legs method to appeal to all body muscles. I recommend doubling the leg workout, as lower-body workouts burn the most calories.

This program is suitable for beginners and more experienced athletes. It is based on strength-building exercises that are accessible to all.

Session 1: Push (pectorals, shoulders and triceps)

ExercisesNumber of repetitions
Dumbbell incline press4 sets of 10 repetitions (60-second rest)
Butterfly machine3 sets of 15 repetitions (60-second rest)
Push-ups with elevated feet3 sets of 15 repetitions (30-second rest)
Dumbbell sit-up4 sets of 10 repetitions (60-second rest)
Seated lateral raises3 sets of 15 repetitions (30-second rest)
Dips3 sets of 10 repetitions (60-second rest)
High pulley extensions3 sets of 15 repetitions (60-second rest)
Roman chair knee lift3 sets of 10 repetitions (30-second rest)

Session 2: legs (focus on quadriceps)

ExercisesNumber of repetitions
Sitting calves4 sets of 15 repetitions (30-second rest)
Hack squat4 sets of 8 repetitions (120-second rest)
Bulgarian squats3 sets of 12 repetitions (60-second rest)
Walking lunges3 sets of 10 repetitions (60-second rest)
Leg extension3 sets of 15 repetitions (30-second rest)
Board sheathing3 sets of 45 seconds (30-second rest)

Session 3: Pull (back and biceps)

ExercisesNumber of repetitions
Pull-ups (assisted or bodyweight)3 sets of 10 repetitions (60-second rest)
Dumbbell Rowing on inclined bench3 sets of 10 repetitions (60-second rest)
Low pulley pull 1 arm3 sets of 12 repetitions (30-second rest)
Rope facepull3 sets of 12 repetitions (30-second rest)
Spider curl3 sets of 12 repetitions (60-second rest)
Alternating hammer grip curl3 sets of 12 repetitions (60-second rest)
Floor crunches3 sets of 20 repetitions (30-second rest)

Session 4: legs (focus on hamstrings)

ExercisesNumber of repetitions
Standing calves3 sets of 15 repetitions (30-second rest)
Thigh press with feet apart3 sets of 15 repetitions (120-second rest)
Romanian 1-leg deadlift3 sets of 12 repetitions (30-second rest)
Hip thrust3 sets of 10 repetitions (90-second rest)
Extended leg curl3 sets of 12 repetitions (60-second rest)
Lateral sheathing3 series of 30 seconds on each side (30 seconds rest)

Nutrition after 40

How to adapt your diet?

What you put on your plate greatly conditions your success. As mentioned earlier, when you reach 40, your metabolism slows down. So, to achieve a muscular physique after 40, it's vital to put in place a healthy diet. customized diet. 🍲

Depending on your objective, you will need to adapt your caloric intake daily : 

  • By opting for a deficit if you're looking to lose weight.
  • By implementing a light surplus to maximize muscle gain.

But remember that, whatever the objective, your calorie requirement decreases over the years. To find out what you really need, use my free calorie calculator.

Generally speaking, as the years go by, it is advisable to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. As for protein, make sure you maintain a sufficient intake of 1.6 to 2 grams of protein per day. proteins per kilo of body weight.

Similarly, cholesterol is an important parameter to take into account. Your diet should be rich in healthy fats (salmon, avocado, oilseeds, etc.). 🥑

In fact, you have two kinds of fat: good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. For you to be perfectly healthy, the balance between the two must be balanced. As we age, however, we recommend regular blood tests to monitor these levels.

The role of dietary supplements

In the same way, you don't need the same supplements at 20 as you do at 40. Once you've reached your forties, banish the gainers (which I don't recommend for 20-year-olds either, by the way), because their calorie intake is too high.

On the other hand, some food supplements will help you stay in shape every day. This is the case for multivitamins and omega 3. 💊

The whey protein powder is an interesting way of topping up protein intakes not covered by your conventional diet. 

BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) are also useful for promoting muscle recovery.

This is also the case for collagenwhose positive effects on joints have been demonstrated by numerous studies.2 3

Bear in mind, however, that no supplement is magic, let alone compulsory. They simply optimize your results.

Can you start bodybuilding after 40?

If you've never done any bodybuilding in your life, you're probably wondering whether these tips apply to you.

There's no age limit for start weight training ! Whether you're 40, 50 or 60, it's never too late to take care of yourself and your body. 💪

A man in his 40s performs a military bench press with dumbbells in a weight room.
Whatever your age, it's never too late to start bodybuilding.

Physical activity such as weight training has many health benefits 🛡️4 5

  • Preventing heart problems
  • Blood pressure regulation
  • Maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis
  • Stress reduction
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Developing cognitive functions and maintaining autonomy

Here's how to get started: 

  • Find your source of motivation What do you want to improve in your physique? Write it down on paper, and reread it every day. This will fuel your willpower and push you to excel on the tougher days.
  • Draw up a realistic balance sheet It's important to know where you stand. Give yourself an honest assessment and, again, document it. Take photos of your body if you like.
  • Set achievable goals Set realistic, specific goals. Define these goals in detail. For example, you want to lose 10 kilos in 6 months.
  • Define a training plan Be realistic when planning your training hours. There's no need to start with 5 weekly sessions. Set yourself up for success. Your program must be complete and achievable. Don't hesitate to draw inspiration from the one provided in this article.


It is quite possible to achieve progress in bodybuilding after the age of 40. But to achieve a harmonious figure, you'll need to focus on the essentials: proper training, excellent nutrition and optimal recovery. 💤

As you know, your results depend on the quality of your lifestyle. To support you in your transformation, discover my TOTAL REBORN program specially designed for men over 40.

Don't wait any longer to take care of your health!

Notes and references

  1. French Association of Urology. Testosterone deficiency: new recommendations to improve management (2021).
  2. Khatri M, Naughton RJ, Clifford T, Harper LD, Corr L. The effects of collagen peptide supplementation on body composition, collagen synthesis, and recovery from joint injury and exercise: a systematic review. Amino Acids. 2021 Oct;53(10):1493-1506. doi: 10.1007/s00726-021-03072-x. Epub 2021 Sep 7. PMID: 34491424; PMCID: PMC8521576.
  3. Clark KL, Sebastianelli W, Flechsenhar KR, Aukermann DF, Meza F, Millard RL, Deitch JR, Sherbondy PS, Albert A. 24-Week study on the use of collagen hydrolysate as a dietary supplement in athletes with activity-related joint pain. Curr Med Res Opin. 2008 May;24(5):1485-96. doi: 10.1185/030079908×291967. Epub 2008 Apr 15. PMID: 18416885.
  4. Seguin R, Nelson ME. The benefits of strength training for older adults. Am J Prev Med. 2003 Oct;25(3 Suppl 2):141-9. doi: 10.1016/s0749-3797(03)00177-6. PMID: 14552938.
  5. Macera CA, Cavanaugh A, Bellettiere J. State of the Art Review: Physical Activity and Older Adults. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2016 Jun 23;11(1):42-57. doi: 10.1177/1559827615571897. PMID: 30202313; PMCID: PMC6124851.
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Sur le meme sujet que : Bodybuilding after 40: can you keep progressing?


  1. Very interesting article. And I can talk about it all the better as I am an "old" 42 -_-'

    I'm totally in tune with the injury part, I try to be as clean as possible in my execution because injuries are hard to heal and I try to warm up a minimum, even if I don't always have time (quick session between noon and 2).
    After, the article is perhaps more turned towards those who begin the bodybuilding after 40 years, whereas on my side, it is several years that I practice, which makes that I do not find myself there all the time (I admit that from time to time to work the force with heavy is gratifying 🙂 ).

    However, why do you advise against pre-workouts? I always take them and I admit that it's a real plus to go into the session with the right gniak.

    PS: beware, we're getting to 40 faster than we think


    1. I don't necessarily advise against pre-workouts, I regularly take them when I'm tired. I just think that you should not take them all year round so as not to get your body used to them and make it dependent. Moreover, the fact of not feeling tired can be a source of injuries if you don't listen to your body. So boosters are good, but in moderation and not all year round.

  2. I read your article and it's true that it's hard to gain muscle mass at 40 and over but thanks to your calorie calculator and macros I managed to lower my % of body fat which was 17.8% at the beginning and after 4 months of work I'm at 16.3% I'm very happy with the result. I will soon be 45 years old and I don't think I will give up. Thank you for all your articles that you post that help us reach our goals and give us motivation thank you very much ❤??

    1. Yes it's obviously later than at 20 and it will take longer, whether it's to gain muscle mass or to dry out but it's not impossible. That's why it's even more important to calculate your calories and macros to progress. Well done to you anyway 🙂

  3. And I confirm that after 50 years, it's the same. I continue to train to stay in shape, I mean I'm not at your level but following your journey is very interesting and motivates me when I don't have the faith to go and train I thank you for that

  4. At 46 years old and following one of your programs (challenge), I have made progress, so it's true that it's not easy, but with willpower, you can always achieve something: a loss of 4 kilos in 30 days.

  5. Hello,
    I can't agree with this article. I think the role of testoterone after 40 is overrated and it doesn't explain everything to itself.
    I started or rather "dabbled" in weight training at 26 years old for about 9 months. I practiced my sessions during my lunch and I didn't eat to devote myself to the cast. I admit, it was stupid and I didn't make any progress except in strength... especially since I wasn't regular.
    I started working out more seriously at 46. I used to eat, but didn't pay too much attention to the quality of my food. I still made remarkable progress. I had better results than younger people who had been in the gym longer than me. As a supplement, I was intolerant to protein powder and I forced myself to ingest it as much as I could, telling myself that it was a necessary evil. Creatine, let's not talk about it, I thought (wrongly) that it was doping. I noticed that I progressed quickly when I worked in full body when I could do 3 sessions a week. Then after 3 years, I listened to the "kooks" at my gym who told me that I had to work 1 muscle a day, 1 x week... and I stagnated and got discouraged. I also had to say that I was giving priority to another sport that has nothing to do... my chess competitions... (lol)... I was only going to train sporadically, sometimes several months without going.
    I am now 56 years old. In October of last year, I gained 6 kg of fat, I decided to take control of my life. After 6 weeks, I had lost 5 kg, but incredibly, my body was getting tighter. My wife pointed it out to me... and I regained my self-confidence and motivation... I started working out again 5 days a week (even at home in confinement) and I can't stop gaining muscle... Of course I don't have the physique of a champion body builder, but I have nothing to envy the young people in my gym who congratulate me on my performance (and they don't know my age... lol)
    On a complementary level, I can handle proteins better since I learned that eating fiber (oatmeal) helps digestion. I am more selective about what I eat. I'm not depriving myself, just that I've cut down on sugars a lot. I have overcome my fear of creatine and supplement with omega 3. And the results are there.
    What I want to do with my post is to prove that it is never too late, that there is still room for improvement. But it must also be done intelligently. Good luck to all.

  6. I'm approaching 40 and it's true that I don't recover as well as I used to. I'm stiffer too. I think you have to listen to your body, which is the best indicator, and keep up a suitable level of physical activity. With regularity and a good diet, you can live a second youth, even after 40 😀

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