A shirtless man measures his waist with a yellow tape measure.
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Why don't I lose weight? The 7 reasons that slow down your weight loss

Why I'm not losing weight ? That's a question I often hear. And what if you, too, are careful about what you eat, practice regular physical activity... But you find it difficult to lose weight ? Then there's almost certainly an explanation. Here are the 7 most common reasons why you can't achieve your goal.

1. You eat too many calories

" Why can't I lose weight when I'm so careful? ", " I don't eat much and I don't lose weight "I'm sure you've already asked yourself these questions, or heard them from people close to you. As a sports coach, they're part of my daily routine.

However, these people tend to work outWhether it's weight training in the gym or cardio outside. Most of them even make the effort to adopt a healthy diet. But then, why can't they keep up? slim down ?

In most cases, the reason is quite simple: their caloric intake is greater than their needs. Because yes, to lose weight sustainably, you have to create a situation of caloric deficit. In other words, consume fewer calories per day than your body burns.

You can use my free calorie calculator to find out your daily requirements in just a few seconds.

A calculator on a plate, surrounded by food items (apple, croissant, tomato, kiwi, avocado, doughnut), with the corresponding calories for each.
Calculating your calories is the only way to accurately measure your intake.

And even if you feel you're paying attention and have good eating habitsBut all too often, this is not enough. 

In fact, it's very difficult to estimate the number of calories in a food or portion. In fact, we all tend to underestimate them.

To avoid this, I recommend weighing your food and recording your meals in a tracking application such as MyFitnessPal or FatSecret.

And if you have trouble controlling your appetiteTry to eat more slowly. In Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and DieteticsA team of researchers has observed that the speed at which you consume your food has an impact on your energy intake. This is due in particular to leptina hormone responsible for the sensation of satietyThe first effects are felt about 20 minutes after the start of the meal.

2. Your macronutrient ratio is unbalanced

Your diet is unbalanced.

In addition to the importance of calorie intake, it's just as important to ensure that your food is correctly distributed. macronutrients. There are 3 of these, whose mission is to provide your body with energy. You know them as carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.

Generally speaking, the average person's diet is too rich in carbohydrates and fats, and low in protein, which undoubtedly promotes weight gain.

If you're overweight and want to lose a few pounds, your dietary rebalancing should take these factors into account. Aim for the following breakdown: 

  • 35 % of carbohydrates
  • 35 % of proteins
  • 30 % of lipids

A sufficient intake of proteins will help you reduce hunger between meals (and therefore snacking!), while limiting muscle wasting.

In addition, limit processed products (ready-made meals, fast foods, industrial fruit juices, soft drinks, etc.) as much as possible, and choose healthy foods at every meal (fruit and vegetables, eggs, white meat, fish, basmati rice, legumes, etc.).

3. You don't do enough physical activity

Yes, you can lose weight without sport.

However, as well as being good for your long-term health, regular exercise will help you to burn calories. This will make it easier to achieve a caloric deficit to lose weight.

As far as sports are concerned, don't just go running. Your body will quickly get used to this type of effort, and your weight may stagnate.

On the other hand, opt for a combination of training sessions for strength training and medium-intensity cardio sessions. Combining the two is an excellent way to increase lean body mass, which in turn boosts metabolism. 

A man in a black t-shirt does a body-building exercise with a dumbbell in his right hand.
Weight training is effective for long-term weight loss.

4. You've lost fat, but gained muscle

" I exercise, but I don't lose weight "This is a common problem, to say the least.

Looking at your pounds on the scale isn't the only way to measure whether you've reached your goal.

It is quite possible that you have eliminated fat, but not lost weight, because you have gain muscle in parallel. This is called body recomposition

With this in mind, it's a good idea to take a look in the mirror to see if your figure is becoming slimmer as the weeks go by. As muscle is less voluminous than fat, results are generally visible to the eye.

The abs are an excellent indicator of success. If your abdominal muscles start to take shape, it's because your body fat is decreasing. You're on the right track!

5. Your metabolism is blocked

A blocked metabolism can have the effect of stemming weight loss. 

This happens when the diet is too long or too restrictive. To preserve itself, the body saves energy and no longer burns enough calories. The result is a stagnant weight, even as the person continues to reduce their calorie intake.

Fortunately, it is possible to boost metabolism by increasing your intake. In other words, you need to eat more... to lose weight! I explain it all in detail in this e-book on reverse diet.

To avoid blocking it, simply lower your calories gradually.

6. You're stressed

Even if you eat a balanced diet and take care with every meal, the stress can ruin your efforts.

This is what this study by researchers at the University of Arkansassuggesting that better stress management can improve weight control.

A stressed man holds his head in both hands.
Too much stress can considerably slow down your weight loss.

The cause of this phenomenon is well known. It is the cortisolalso known as the stress hormone. An excess of cortisol is responsible for fat storage and leads to cravings for fatty foods.

Doing sport, yoga or meditation, learning to breathe or taking a walk in nature are all great ways to relax.

7. You don't get enough sleep

Did you know that the quality of your sleep was an important factor in weight loss?

To lose fat and slim down, it's important to adopt a regular sleep rhythm. More broadly, it's a real pillar of your health and well-being.

Sleeping well helps regulate ghrelin secretion. Produced in excessive quantities, ghrelin gives us an irresistible urge to sleep. desire to eat.

Sleep also has an effect on leptin, which we have already discussed.

Overall, try to maintain regular sleep cycles. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, there are a number of techniques you can use: limiting screen time, lowering room temperature, doing breathing exercises or avoiding coffee at the end of the day.


As you can see, there's no need to dieting This is especially true if you want to avoid the yo-yo effect. You can lose weight by watching your calorie intake and eating healthily, without depriving yourself. If you're looking for ways to unlock weight loss, find out more about this article detailing the 7 steps to a good dry run.

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