resume weight training

How do I get back into weight training after a break?

Following the lockdown, your gym was closed for several months. After a long injury or another event, you were unable to train? Whatever the situation, this forced rest modified your sports program dedicated to your bodybuilding sessions. Your progress has therefore stopped or slowed down along the way. It is now time to resume your weight training exercises in a progressive manner. Your weight training sessions must be resumed, but where to start? Indeed, it is necessary to get used to the muscles of the body to avoid the risk of injury and demotivation. To learn more about this subject, follow the guide!

What are the consequences of stopping weight training?

resumption of weight training

A prolonged break from bodybuilding results in muscle wasting and a progressive loss of motivation. If your break lasts only 2 or 3 weeks, it will have little impact on your progress in bodybuilding but if it lasts longer, there will undoubtedly be consequences. To avoid losing your muscle capital too quickly, you must maintain a diet rich in protein and readjust your diet. This is essential to limit the damage. Your motivation You will enjoy pushing the weight and burning calories again and doing strength training to reach your athletic goals. You will enjoy pushing the iron and burning calories again and doing weight training to reach your sports goals.

What about loss of motivation?

It's taken you a long time to build muscle mass and sculpt your dream body. After an enforced break, your bodybuilding program has come to an abrupt halt. The result is a change of pace and your physical condition is no longer the same as before.

In fact, your body has become accustomed to no longer making intensive, repeated efforts. This can be demotivating, as it makes you feel like a beginner all over again.

And you don't want to start from scratch. Rest assured, your muscle-strengthening exercises, your perseverance, your patience and your efforts to get back into shape will soon be rewarded!

Muscle memory

Your body has a muscle memory that allows it to re-attain a level you have previously reached. This form of memory is engraved in your muscle cells. This can help you get back into shape quickly after a forced break.

In fact, you reach about 80% of your former performance quite quickly. But the remaining 20% are harder to recover quickly. So, while muscle memory does exist, it's incomplete. You'll need to be assiduous to get back to your previous level. To find out more about muscle memory :

How do I get back into weight training?

Your motivation needs to remain intact, and you need to get back into shape gradually. After you've lost muscle mass, it's time to get back into shape. First and foremost, you need to return to basic exercise to gradually regain your initial strength.

It's best to avoid trying to lift very heavy loads right away. Your number of repetitions of sets and muscle exercises should be lower than before. By using free weights and lighter loads, you'll save energy. Recovery will be smoother and rehabilitation easier. What's more, you'll avoid the risk or recurrence of any old injuries. injuries.

This may last a few weeks, but as the urge to resume grows stronger, stopping will soon be a thing of the past. This period may have been beneficial for repairing or resting your tendons and joints. Nevertheless, the lighter training phase after a break is essential.

The importance of the warm-up for the recovery

how to get back into weight training

Every training session should start with muscle toning exercises. A gym workout should include a warm-up. Your body's muscles need to be prepared before intensive effort.

That's why cardio warm-up exercises on fitness equipment should be included in your bodybuilding program. To build endurance and prepare your body. Stretching is also recommended at the end of the session.

To start with, you can alternate strengthening upper and lower body muscle groups. Your muscle-building exercises can therefore be done in a half-body format, with the specialized advice of a sports coach and the right program. The latter will also help you build and strengthen your abs. Last but not least, the short full-body programs are designed for beginners as well as for experienced muscle-builders who want to get back into the swing of things after a break.


In everyday life, getting back into physical activity is essential to build muscle after a long period of rest. Building muscle mass and sheathing exercises give you more strength and stamina and help to improve your physical condition. To avoid the risk of aches and pains, you have the possibility of being supported by a sports coach who will advise you on stretching at the end of the session. This expert in bodybuilding can establish a personalized program including warm-up exercises, your session methodically made for you and stretching at the end of the session. He takes into account your habits in terms of sports in the weight room. He also knows how to respect your sporting objectives: gaining mass, losing weight, refining your figure, physical preparation for a sporting event or competition, improving your general tone, etc. This is the perfect opportunity to achieve all your goals without wasting time.

Do you want to resume weight training and be supervised by a professional?

Your regular training will greatly improve your general health and your progress will be faster and more visible day by day. Your weight room welcomes you in compliance with the rules of hygiene in force. The machines and all the equipment ofTraining are available, so why wait any longer before returning to your gym with peace of mind? 

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