What are the differences between carbohydrates and sugars?

What are the differences between carbohydrates and sugars?

You may have noticed that on food packaging, sugars and carbohydrates are listed separately. Yes, there is a distinction between the two, as sugars are simple carbohydrates. This distinction is useful not only for those who want to track their nutrient intake, but also for detecting carbohydrates in the diet.

Is the flexitarian diet compatible with bodybuilding?

Is the flexitarian diet compatible with bodybuilding?

Flexitarianism is a diet suitable for everyone, as it meets the daily nutritional needs of each individual. Its aim is to help our bodies better assimilate enzymes without overloading our bodies with proteins (protides) or foods that are too high in calories (too rich in lipids or carbohydrates). What is the flexitarian diet? It is...

Should I continue to play sports with aches and pains?

Should I continue to play sports with aches and pains?

Whether you're an avid sportsman or a beginner, you've probably already gone through the dilemma of "taking a break or getting back into sports while feeling sore". Which one should you choose to soothe your muscles after a physical effort and ease the pain? To answer this question, nothing better than to understand what the...

All you need to know about continuous tension in weight training

All you need to know about continuous tension in weight training

In weight training, there is a very wide range of techniques that allow you to improve or sculpt your physique. These exercises can be very tiring, which is why there are often breaks to regain your strength. For example, when you do squats, it is possible to blow when your legs are...

How to slim down your waistline with the stomach vacuum?

How to slim down your waistline with the stomach vacuum?

The vacuum, and more precisely the stomach vacuum, is a hypopressive abdominal exercise, which solicits the transversus abdominis, a deep muscle of the abdomen, and which tends to strengthen the abdominal belt to make the stomach flat but not only. What is the vacuum? It is an exercise of isolation, because it is exclusively the transverse muscle that is...

What is the difference between muscle catabolism and muscle anabolism?

What is the difference between muscle catabolism and muscle anabolism?

Both catabolism and anabolism belong to the body's metabolic process. These are very important phases for athletes. These two phenomena work in completely opposite ways. Catabolism generates energy for the body. While anabolism uses energy. When we talk about muscle catabolism and anabolism, we are talking about...

Special biceps stretching: 3 exercises to perform

Special biceps stretching: 3 exercises to perform

The biceps are the long muscles that mainly allow you to bend your forearm towards your arm. Located between the scapula and the radius, they participate in the movements of the upper body. To avoid injuries and to facilitate the contraction of the muscle before a training session, it is necessary to make in a first time a...

Endorphin and bodybuilding: everything you need to know about the pleasure hormone

Endorphin and bodybuilding: everything you need to know about the pleasure hormone

Have you ever felt that feeling of fulfillment after an intensive workout in the gym or a run? This addictive feeling is the result of a natural process in the human body: the secretion of endorphins. In addition to the euphoria that it generates, this hormone of well-being has a number of other benefits...