100 push-ups program: my advice for a successful challenge


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The pumpsThis is an effective bodyweight exercise known the world over! 🌍

Do you dream of being able to perform a complete set of 100 push-ups? On paper, the challenge may seem difficult, especially if you're just starting out. Yet with rigor and the right training plan, there's no doubt you can do it! 💪

Discover my sports coaching tips for designing a 100 pump program and reach your goal.

Why is it difficult to do 100 push-ups in a row?

As you no doubt know, pumps target a number of areas muscle groups

They are part of the basic exercises for working the pectorals (especially the pectoralis major). But the triceps and anterior deltoids are also called upon, as well as certain stabilizing muscles.

In addition to working these muscles, push-ups also strengthen the abdominal muscles, as a result of the cladding to make them. 🍫

As with all bodybuilding exercises, the higher the number of repetitions, the more endurance comes into play. With each repetition, your energy bar drops 🔋 and it becomes harder and harder to lift your own weight.

Muscular endurance refers to a muscle's ability to perform a sequence of contractions. It should not be confused with endurance. cardiowhich describes the ability of the heart and lungs to sustain an effort.

Fortunately, it can be improved with a sports program adapted.

100 push-ups program : My tips

If, from a sporting point of view, being able to string together 100 push-ups in a row isn't of great interest (we'll come back to that), it can nevertheless be an interesting challenge to challenge and surpass oneself. 😰

We will focus on the classic push-ups, using body weight and hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart (or using pump handles).

However, there are numerous pump variants that you can include in your workouts: tight push-ups, diamond push-ups, slammed push-ups, elevated push-ups, etc.

Take stock of your current level

Before embarking on a 100-pump programme, it is essential to carry out a thorough balance sheet of your level. 🧐

A man does push-ups outside on the grass.
Before embarking on a 100-pump program, assess your current level.

Depending on whether you are beginner in the gym, or whether you're a more experienced bodybuilder, it's clear that your training program will be different.

Start by trying to do as many push-ups as possible without rest time. As before any bodybuilding session, make sure you do the following a complete muscle and joint warm-up upstream, particularly of the upper body.

This initial result will enable you to measure and monitor your progress over time. 📈 

Gradually increase the number of repetitions

For progress at the pumpsYou'll need to do it regularly, of course.

Each week, your goal should be to do more than the previous week. If you start by doing 3 sets of 20 push-ups maximum the first week, aim to do 3 sets of 25 the week after. And so on. 💪

By gradually increasing, on the principle of a progressive overloadyou'll reach your goal. The time it takes to get there will of course depend on your starting level.

Be patient and persevere

Being able to perform a series of 100 push-ups doesn't happen overnight. It's a long and complex process, depending on your initial level.

In an ideal world, you should be able to make progress every week. In reality, it never happens that way. ❌

As for weight lossThere are many factors that can influence your performance. And if your progression is not linear, it doesn't matter.

What really counts is that you're able to never give up. Failing a session in your bodybuilding program? Give yourself a recovery times and do it again the next time! 👊

Vary your exercises

Doing push-ups isn't enough to get stronger at them. There's no point in doing them every session.

On the contrary, it is essential to seek to develop body muscles which are involved during movement, in particular the pectorals and the triceps.

To build muscle in these areas, it's ideal to have access to a fitness center. You'll be able to do exercises such as : 

  • Bench press (barbell or dumbbell)
  • Inclined bench press
  • Dips
  • Pulley splits
  • The bar at the front
  • Pulley extensions
A man does a bench press in a weight room, as part of a 100 push-up program.
To progress with push-ups, you need to strengthen all your muscles.

Is it effective to do 100 push-ups a day?

Push-ups are an excellent exercise for gaining muscle mass. Especially as they require no equipment and can be done anywhere, whether in the gym, at home or on the move. 🙏

To be able to chain together 100 push-ups is an attainable goal for any sportsperson. But then again, it doesn't make much sense from a fitness point of view. musculature.

The same applies if you aim to do 100 push-ups a day. Worse, you might even end up hurt joints (tendonitis in the elbows and wrists, for example) by repeating the same gesture over and over again. 🚑

Two men and a woman do push-ups in a weight room.
Doing 100 push-ups a day can be dangerous for your body and your joints.

Overall, remember that it's never a good idea to repeat the same movement every day. It won't make you put on muscle any faster. On the contrary, your body needs take a break to keep up with the pace. So recovery days are an integral part of progress. 😴


Even if it's not necessarily physically interesting, being able to do 100 push-ups in a row is a real challenge! It can be a goal that will take you out of your sports routine and will keep you motivated for months to come.

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