A man over 50 exercises in a gym, doing lateral raises with dumbbells.

TRT: everything you need to know about testosterone replacement therapy

TRT, or testosterone replacement therapyhas been very much in vogue for many years in the United States. Its aim is to compensate for declining testosterone levels, a natural age-related phenomenon. This medical practice on the other hand, is still little known in France. TRT is often wrongly associated with doping. So what is it really? What are its benefits and risks? That's what I'd like you to find out in this comprehensive guide.

What is TRT?

TRT: definition

TRT means Testosterone Replacement Therapy in English. In French, you will hear of Thérapie de la Remplacement de la Testostérone or of Androgen Replacement Therapy.

This is a medical procedure for dealing with a lack of testosterone in the body, as production of this hormone declines with age or illness.

The aim of TRT is to re-establish physiologically normal testosterone levels, without exceeding medically defined thresholds.

This practice is widespread in the United States, particularly in anti-aging clinics, where the approach of the health is totally different from what we know in France. According to Swiss Medical Journal3 % of American men over the age of 40 have already undergone a TRT protocol for their testosterone.

A doctor's notebook with a pen, on which is written in English: "Diagnosis: low testosterone levels".
Widely adopted across the Atlantic, TRT is aimed at men with declining testosterone levels.

Treatment options

How to perform a TRT?

In reality, there are several ways to administer testosterone to a patient: 

  • By mouth
  • By applying a gel to the skin or nose
  • By applying a patch (like the anti-smoking patch)
  • Injection under the skin

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For example, the absorption of a testosterone supplement can cause liver damage, while other options avoid this problem.

For their part, the injections cause significant fluctuations in levels, with a peak when testosterone is injected, followed by a rapid drop.

Conversely, the patch has the advantage of gradually releasing the hormone into the body. However, it must be changed regularly. Just as it is necessary to apply gel daily if this method of application is chosen.

It's up to the doctor, in consultation with the patient, to weigh up the pros and cons and determine the best option for the patient's profile.

Who can prescribe testosterone replacement therapy?

As you can see, TRT is a medical procedure. In fact, this testosterone treatment for men involves dosages and meticulous follow-up.

To be prescribed TRT, it is therefore advisable to turn to an experienced healthcare professional, whether it be your GP or, more generally, a specialist in the field. endocrinologistspecialized in the study of hormones.

Why a course of TRT?

Let's move on to benefits of TRT.

This treatment is an excellent way to boost your testosteronewhose production decreases over time, on the order of 1 to 2 % per year from age 30 onwards. This phenomenon is known as andropause.

Obesity, lack of sleep and chronic stress are other aggravating factors. Here are some examples 12 bad habits that contribute to a drop in your testosterone levels.

In addition to this, some men suffer from hypogonadisma pathology leading to an even greater drop in testosterone.

The signs of a lack of testosterone are numerous and have real consequences on quality of life: 

  • Decrease in libido
  • Fat mass gain
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • General tiredness
  • Sleep disorders
  • Reduced bone strength
  • Depressive state
A man in a short-sleeved black T-shirt, with muscular arms.
Testosterone and muscle mass are intimately linked.

The aim of testosterone treatment is to restore normal levels in order to counteract these symptoms. symptoms and improve physical and mental well-being. The first effects are visible after just 4 weeks.

The TRT protocol is therefore aimed primarily at men over 35 with low testosterone levels, or at least below the average for their age group. It is largely inadvisable for men who already have normal or high levels.

How to know your testosterone level?

Do you recognize yourself in the symptoms of a low testosterone levels mentioned above? So how do you know if you have a good level of testosterone?

It's as simple as making a blood test. Once obtained, this blood test will give you a perfect snapshot of the situation. You'll know whether your testosterone levels are low or not.

If you are showing symptoms of testosterone deficiency, and this is confirmed by analysis, a healthcare professional will be able to point you in the right direction.

In some cases, you may be able to increase your testosterone naturally by adopting a better health practices (physical activity, diet, sleep, etc.).

In other cases, testosterone replacement therapy with adapted doses can boost the effects of testosterone.

A doctor wearing blue gloves pricks a vein in a person's right arm for a blood test.
Knowing your testosterone level is essential before starting TRT.

Is TRT safe?

Follow a testosterone treatment may, depending on the method of administration chosen, present certain side effects such as acne or sleep apnea.

Similarly, TRT is not recommended for people with heart failure.

On a broader scale scientific studies studies continue to investigate the long-term effects of TRT, particularly in terms of the risk of prostate cancer, thrombosis and cardiovascular disease, with sometimes conflicting conclusions. So far, no direct link with these disorders has been demonstrated.

For example, a 2014 study published by researchers at the University of Texas states that TRT does not increase the risk of cardiac events.

More recently, a meta-analysis by researchers from the Department of Urology at Tianjin University (China) in 2024 concluded that testosterone replacement therapy improved the situation of hypogonadal men, with no impact on the prostate.

Finally, another American study from 2024 affirms that TRT does not increase risk cardiovascular in people with hypogonadism, while indicating the need for further long-term research.

As you can see, such a treatment should not be taken lightly. It must be implemented within a professional medical framework, and involves precise and rigorous monitoring of several indicators (blood pressure, red blood cells, etc.).


TRT is a medical treatment that is becoming increasingly popular with men wishing to counteract the effects of aging. However, this protocol must always be implemented with the support of a healthcare professional. 

This is precisely the subject I tackle in depth in my new TOTAL REBORN coachingdesigned for men over 40 who want to get back into shape and optimize their hormonal health. I myself have been undergoing TRT for several years, and have filmed the therapy at my clinic in Miami and interviewed the doctors. In it, I give you the keys to benefiting from such a treatment.

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