A person holds his belly fat between his two hands and wonders how to lose belly fat.

How to lose belly fat in 3 steps?

How lose belly fat ? This is a question many of you are asking yourselves. Beyond its unsightly appearance, too much fat on the abdominal area can be harmful to your health. So it's important not to let your love handles take hold. In this article, I'll explain how to lose fat in 3 steps.

Abdominal fat, a health hazard

You dream of seeing your abdominal strap well drawn? It's not just for other people. With the right method, patience and determination, you can achieve it!

On the other hand, don't expect to lose belly fat after just a few days' effort. Lasting slimming takes time and discipline.

As its name suggests, abdominal fat is stored in the stomach area. Nutritionists agree that abdominal fat is mainly due to a poor diet. eating habits. A caloric intake higher than your needs and a diet too rich in fats lead inexorably to overweight.

In addition to the aesthetic aspect, eliminating superfluous fat is also the best way to stay in shape. good health. In fact, many studies have stated that visceral fat can increase the risk of disease cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes.

Some researchers have even demonstrated a link between waist circumference and life expectancy. In concrete terms, the larger a man's or woman's waistline, the shorter their life expectancy.

Unfortunately, it's not possible to lose belly fat (or any other part of the body) locally. To get rid of this fat, you'll need to lose weight in a global way.

That's what Pascal managed to do with my tailor-made coaching.

The physical transformation of a student who followed a personalized coaching with Julien Quaglierini.
The impressive physical transformation of Pascal, a student who underwent personalized coaching.

By adopting the right strategies and following my advice, Pascal lost several kilos in just a few months. His waistline has slimmed considerably, as has his whole body.

3 steps to lose weight

Looking for a way to lose belly fat? There's no such thing as a miracle recipe. But if you follow these 3 steps, you'll easily reach your goal:

  • consume fewer calories than you need
  • take care of your diet
  • practice a physical activity on a regular basis

Step 1: Establish a caloric deficit

Do you know the secret to losing weight?

It can be summed up in two words: caloric deficit.

A caloric deficit is simply consuming fewer calories than the body needs to function.

Your caloric need is calculated according to various criteria: your age, sex, weight, height and level of physical activity. To calculate it precisely, use the calorie calculator available on my site.

Let's say your daily requirement is 2,000 calories. To lose weight, you would need to eat 1,600, 1,700, 1,800 or 1,900 calories per day. An application such as MyFitnessPal will allow you to easily track your caloric intake by entering the foods you eat.

Your weight on the scale will gradually decrease. Be careful, a weight loss is never linear. Don't worry if you put on a few grams when you weighed yourself one morning. It's perfectly normal.

Protein-rich foods laid out on a table: eggs, salmon and chicken breast.
A caloric deficit and a protein diet are essential to lose weight.

You should also be careful not to set up too aggressive a caloric deficit. You risk feeling tired and lacking energy, making your dry run ineffective.

Once you've reached your target weight, the main risk is that you'll regain the weight you've lost. To avoid this, gradually increase your calorie intake until you reach a maintenance level.

And the fat burners in all this? These food supplements can help you increase your energy expenditure. On the other hand, a fat burner won't do you any good if you neglect your lifestyle and don't exercise.

Step 2: Adopt a healthy and balanced diet

Now that you know what a caloric deficit is, let's look at the quality of your diet and macronutrients (the famous carbohydrates, fats and proteins).

To have a flat stomach, a balanced diet is unavoidable.

When you're on a diet, opt for unprocessed products, fruits and vegetables, and fresh fruit and vegetables. protein-rich foods (white meat, red meat, eggs, fish, etc.). In fact, to limit muscle loss and feel full, you should eat about 2 grams of protein per kilo of body weight every day. If you weigh 80 kilos, 160 grams of protein are necessary.

Conversely, processed foods, which are often too sweet and salty, won't do you any good nutritionally. For a successful diet, avoid industrial fruit juices, sodas, alcohol, cakes, pizzas and other fast foods.

Of course, wanting to lose belly fat doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself of everything. By maintaining a serious caloric deficit, you can give yourself a break. cheat meal per week. It's up to you to find the right balance.

Step 3: Exercise

To eliminate belly fat, the quality of your diet accounts for 70 % of the results. Practicing a sports activity regularly will however allow you to transform your physique more quickly.

To get rid of belly fat, schedule 3 to 4 workouts per week.

Ideally, you should mix muscle-building exercises with HIIT sessions (High Intensity Interval Training). You will thus considerably increase your energy expenditure and will be able to burn calories.

To do this, you have two options:

  • incorporate high-intensity cardio at the end of your workouts strength training
  • do 2-3 strength training sessions and 1 HIIT session during the week
A shirtless man works out with dumbbells in his hands.
To increase your energy expenditure and eliminate visceral fat, do some weight training!

Weight training is a highly effective way of losing belly fat. By building muscle mass, you'll increase your basal metabolic rate. In other words, your body will burn more calories at rest!

Activities cardio such as running, cycling or swimming are excellent to complement your main training.

On the other hand, spending hours making abdominal exercises (crunches, leg raises, obliques, etc.) won't help you lose abdominal fat. While it's important to do crunches several times a week to develop abdominal volume, these exercises have a low energy expenditure. So include them in your training plan, but don't make them your main exercise.

Finally, wear a sweat belt will not allow you toget a flat stomach. This fitness accessory is ineffective because it doesn't make you lose fat, just water.

To conclude

Now you know how to lose belly fat. And, as you've already guessed, you can't lose belly fat by following some miracle diet you read about in a magazine. Only a caloric deficit, combined with a balanced diet and physical activity, will enable you to achieve your goal.

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