Is the dumbbell squat a good exercise for building leg muscles?


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If I tell you about strength exercises for the lower body, the bar squat is certainly the first movement that comes to mind. 🤝

But do you know what the alternatives are?

Today, I'm going to introduce you to the barbell squatThis is a great exercise for strengthening your lower limbs. Accessible to all exercisers, in this article I reveal its benefits and how to perform it correctly. 💪

How to do the dumbbell squat?

Before going any further, we need to distinguish between different variants Dumbbell squat: 

  • The classic barbell squatwhich involves holding a dumbbell in each hand, with the arms at your sides.
  • The goblet squatwhich consists of holding a single dumbbell in front of your chest with both hands.
  • The sumo squatfor which the holding of the dumbbell is identical to the goblet squat, except that the feet must be further apart.
  • The dumbbell thrusterThis time you hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height.
Two images of a man performing a dumbbell squat: the one on the left in the starting position (standing), the one on the right during the movement (knees bent).
For the classic dumbbell squat, hold a weight in each hand with your arms at your sides.

Whichever version you choose, apart from the position of the load and feet, the execution technique remains virtually unchanged. This approach will enable you to train in complete safety, limiting the risk of injury. risk of injury. 🚑

In starting positionStand with your back straight and your legs shoulder-width apart (or a little wider, depending on the type of squat performed).

Grasp the weights and position them correctly, always according to the version of the squat performed.

By committing your abdominal belt 🍫 and keep your straight backBend your knees to bring your hips down as far as possible. According to your mobilityYou can try to break the parallel. This means that your buttocks pass below the imaginary horizontal line of your knees. Make sure you keep your heels on the floor.

Then push with your feet into the ground, contracting your muscles. thigh musclesto return to the initial position.

Finally, remember to breathe 👃 during each set. Take a deep breath on the way down, then exhale slowly on the way back up.

Which muscles are involved in the dumbbell squat?

Like its traditional version, the dumbbell squat allows you to work the whole body. lower body.

It mainly targets : 

  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • Buttocks
  • The adductors
  • The abdominal muscles, indirectly

Dumbbell squat vs barbell squat: what are the differences?

The dumbbell squat has several features benefits compared to its version with a weight bar. 🙌

Firstly, this movement offers greater comfort, especially for beginners. Not having to carry a heavy bar on your shoulders is undeniably more pleasant.

This is also the case for those for whom bar squats provoke pains in the elbows or shoulders, due to the tension exerted by the position. 😣

Another advantage of the dumbbell squat is the security. It allows you to train to failure ❌ without risking getting stuck under the bar. Once you've performed enough reps to exhaust your muscles, simply let go of the dumbbells to take your rest time.

On the other hand, it's obvious that you won't be able to work as well heavy than with a bar.

Finally, as you can see in the video below, this exercise is ideal for people who don't have access to a sports hall. If you do strength training at home 🏠 and don't have the space to install a squat rack, you'll just need one or two dumbbells to get you build up the thighs.

Overall, this movement is therefore more accessible, and can form part of the basic exercises to help you get to grips with the classic squat for the first time. trainings in the weight room.

A man and a woman goblet squat in the living room of their apartment.
The dumbbell squat has the advantage of being performed at home, with very little equipment.


The dumbbell squat will find its place in any weight-training program (full body, split, push pull legsetc.). This exercise promotes muscle growth and is a safe way to train. And after reading this article, you now know how to perform this movement without injuring yourself. ✅

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Julien Quaglierini IFBB Pro
6X NPC Men's Physique Overall Champion
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