A man doing a sissy squat with a dedicated body-building machine.

Is the sissy squat a good exercise for building up the quadriceps?

Do you know the sissy squat ? This variation on the classic squat is highly effective for working the legs. This exercise even helps to strengthen the stability and strength of the knees. But be careful not to injure yourself! Execution of this movement can be complex, especially for those who have never done it before. beginners. To make sissy squat in complete safetyHere's what you need to know before incorporating it into your workouts.

What is sissy squat?

The sissy squat is a muscle-building exercise for the lower body.

It relies on bending the legs to tone the thighs. The movement consists of bending over backwards by bending the knees, keeping the trunk and thighs in the same alignment. The weight of the body rests entirely on the balls of the feet. It's usually best to hold onto a support to maintain balance and facilitate the exercise.

Best suited to intermediate to advanced practitioners, the sissy squat is a perfect addition to your fitness routine. leg day. It is a good alternative to leg extensionA perfect complement to a quads session consisting of thigh presses, squats on the free bar or smith machine and Bulgarian lunges.

By the way, where does the name " sissy squat " ? 🤔

Quite original at first glance, this name has its origins in Greek mythology. It was inspired by Sisyphus. King of Corinth, Sisyphus was punished for daring to defy the gods. The gods condemned him to eternally push a stone up a hill, only for it to roll back down each time.

Which muscles are involved in the sissy squat?

The sissy squat is designed to strengthen thigh muscles. It's even an excellent isolation exercise for the quadriceps.

Attached to the patella, the quadriceps is a muscle composed of 4 parts (or muscle bellies):

  • The femoral rectus (anterior rectus)
  • The large lateral
  • The vastus medialis
  • The crural (vastus intermedius)
A shirtless man flaunts his muscular thighs in a gym.
This form of squat is an excellent isolation exercise for the thighs.

This group of muscle bundles is responsible for leg extension at the knee and for hip flexion. It is the main antagonist of the hamstrings

When practicing the sissy squat, the quadriceps are exercised through a flexion-extension movement. This repetitive movement leads to eccentric and concentric contractions who ensure their activation. 💪

Unlike a classic squat or hack squat, which works the quadriceps, ischios, calves and glutes at the same time, the sissy squat focuses on the first muscle group. 🎯

The stabilizing muscles and abs are also used to stabilize the body.

Why sissy squat?

The sissy squat has several advantages: 

  • It isolates the work of the quadriceps, unlike many leg exercises which involve different muscles.
  • It minimizes hipswhich ties in with the previous point.
  • It enhances range of motion and allows for good muscular growth.
  • It can be performed at body weight.
  • It doesn't require any equipment (although we'll see below that it can be carried out on a specific body-building machine).
  • It allows you to improve your balance.

In short, the sissy squat is one of the very best exercises for building thigh muscles at body weight and without any equipment.

How to do this muscle-building exercise?

Sissy can be performed with or without equipment. Here's how to do it either way.

The sissy squat with machine

If it makes sculpt the legs, the sissy squat remains a complex exercise, especially when you're just starting out. Balance is precarious.

To get started, it may be useful to use a device dedicated. This type of equipment locks the feet and calves, so you can concentrate on executing the movement and avoid injury.

A sissy squat machine.
Some gyms are equipped with sissy squat machines.

To do this, stand on the machine.

Next, bend your knees to bring your hips and buttocks backwards, as if you were sitting down. Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, the aim is to contract your quadriceps to return to the initial position (standing). 

Do 3 to 4 sets of 6 to 12 repetitions, taking plenty of time to recover between each set.

During the exercise, remember to keep your back straight and your abdominal muscles contracted for greater efficiency.

The sissy squat without machine

If you don't have a sissy squat machine in your gym, you can do this exercise without equipment.

Stand next to a sturdy support that you can grip with one hand to maintain stability. 

Next, bend your knees forward to bring them as close to the ground as possible, while tilting your torso backwards. When your shins are fully parallel to the ground, push off on tiptoe to return to the starting position, using the strength of your quadriceps.

During the exercise, your body should be aligned from the knees to the head when you're in a low position. This allows you to work the quadriceps properly and limit the risk of injury. 🚑

A shirtless man is about to do some sissy squat while holding on to a support.
If you're new to sissy, hold onto a support to keep your balance.

Variants of sissy squat

Now that we've seen the two main forms of sissy, let's discover a few variations: 

  • The sissy squat on your knees
  • The sissy squat with a weight

The sissy squat on your knees

This variant is a gentler version of the sissy squat. It does not require a machine. 

It is ideal for beginners and those with weak knees, as it considerably reduces the strain on the knees. joints and lower back. 

To do this exercise, sit on your shins, knees on the ground and buttocks on your heels. Once you're settled, keep your spine straight and contract your quadriceps to raise yourself up.

This variant can also be used as awarming up.

The sissy squat with a weight

The principle is the same as for the bodyweight sissy squat, except that you add some ballast.

This type of sissy squat is reserved for more experienced exercisers who want to tone up their quadriceps even more. If you haven't mastered the basic version, there's no need to risk the weighted sissy. ❌

Once you're in position (knees bent forward and chest back), place a load (a disc) on your chest and hold it in place with one hand. 

With the other hand, grasp a support to maintain your balance. All that remains is to return to a standing position and repeat the same movement.

A few safety tips

As you can see, sissy is a movement that requires practice and mastery.

It's an exercise that presents risks in terms of injury. Here are a few tips to help you avoid them as much as possible: 

  • Make sure you maintain a good posture throughout the movement.
  • Keep your feet parallel (neither outward nor inward).
  • Don't overlook the importance of support in maintaining balance.
  • But don't use this support to help you up, because the effort must come from the contraction of your quadriceps.
  • Accentuate your weight on the balls of your feet as you descend, not on your heels.
  • Take it one step at a time: start with a sissy squat on a machine or bodyweight before considering using additional weight.
  • If you're not used to working your lower body in the gym, be sure to build up your legs a little with exercises such as the squat, leg extension or press.

Do you want a complete bodybuilding program to follow?


All in all, the sissy squat is an excellent exercise for working the quadriceps. Practised with or without equipmentAnd if you're used to neglecting leg training, there are a few safety rules to follow. And if you're in the habit of neglecting leg training.., here are 4 good reasons to work the lower body. 😉

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Sur le meme sujet que : Is the sissy squat a good exercise for building up the quadriceps?

One Comment

  1. Great article, thanks. At the moment, without a gym and without equipment, it's a great exercise. It avoids the endless series of squats at body weight

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