
The secrets of cardio training for athletes

A perfect ally of fitness and weight training, cardio training is first and foremost an activity designed to strengthen the heart. By practicing cardiovascular activities, you'll build up your stamina and help your body fight cholesterol and other diseases such as diabetes, to name but a few.

Fitness and well-being : The secrets of cardio training

Cardio training is therefore good for your health. What's more, cardio training will reduce your anxiety, help you manage stress and refine your figure. In short, you'll be in better shape and feel better about your body thanks to this sporting activity.

It can be practiced in the gym or at home and even outdoors. You can choose between many types of exercises, depending on your desires and your state of health. For a cardio session to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to respect certain basic rules, particularly concerning the timing, frequency and progress of the session.

When is the best time to do cardio training?

Cardio training can be done when you want and where you want. Here are some tips to help you set up your schedule:

  • If you work during the day, it makes more sense to schedule your workouts for the late afternoon. But in the end, it doesn't matter what time you train if it works for you.
  • If possible, schedule your cardio and strength training sessions on two different days. Otherwise, opt for 20 to 30 minutes before or after your session.
  • Does your busy schedule not allow you to alternate cardio and strength training sessions? Don't worry! Just pay attention to your diet by breaking down your macros correctly. Take the necessary complements and only necessary before eating properly after exercise. In fact, it is said that the anabolic window is favorable only 1 hour after the training but for some recent studies it is up to 48 hours.
  • Plan for 1 to 2 full days of complete rest per week. This is very important because it will allow your body to recover. Some people train for example 5 days a week and on the sixth day practice their cardio for longer. Get organized and create your own habits.

When to do cardio?

Cardio can be done before or after your workout. It's up to you to decide what you want, depending on your goals, your desires and your fitness level. Some days we're more tired than others, so it's essential to listen to your body.

Before training

Cardio can be a good warm-up and will allow you to prepare your body for physical activity. Warming up well and drinking plenty of fluids will also help you avoid the various problems of cramps and aches. How do you do it? Start by walking for 5 minutes to warm up your muscles and then run for at least another 10 to 15 minutes at a more moderate intensity. Then do some stretching to loosen up your joints and start your session.

After training

Your muscles are already hot and some people prefer to do cardio after the session simply because they are afraid of not having enough energy to do their workout properly. So, no need to walk to start, you can do your 20 to 30 minutes of cardio afterwards without any problem.

Don't forget to keep yourself well hydrated in small sips during this effort.

I don't like cardio, what can I do?

hiit cardio

The advice to follow when we don't like cardio exercises on the treadmill, or if we are not used to it, is to start by doing 10 minutes only for 1 to 2 weeks. Then, you add 10 minutes the following weeks and then 10... Indeed, it is better to do 10 minutes of cardio than nothing at all. By going gradually, it can help you learn to enjoy this activity. Watching videos during cardio is a good way to keep track of time.

Alternatively, you can also replace the cardio on the mat with the jump rope, jumping jack or rowing machine. The important thing is to sweat and burn calories!

Should I do cardio for weight gain or weight loss?

It goes without saying that for the fat lossThis is a very good alternative to a correct, but not compulsory, diet. It's not necessary to do cardio when you want to slim down if you start by adopting a calorie deficit diet. But you can do cardio while you're drying out, and do it gradually. This will increase your calories and help you achieve your goal.

Cardio is good for your heart so it doesn't matter what your goal is. If you are in weight gainThere is nothing to stop you from doing it too, but much less because the aim is to build muscle, so you should not be in a calorie deficit but in surplus. So make sure if you decide to do it not to burn too many calories and therefore not to do it for 1 hour. This would be counter productive for the muscle gain you are doing.

Is there an ideal frequency?

The frequency will be defined according to your level, your body and your goals. For beginners, it is recommended to practice cardio once a week for the first 2 or 3 weeks for 20 minutes. You can then increase to twice a week thereafter.

It is not advisable for overweight people to practice high intensity cardio or running. Indeed, because of this parameter, the joints and tendons will be put under strain. It is therefore advisable to start with the elliptical trainer or the bicycle. This will result in less risk to the knees.

Are you an intermediate? Start with long training. If you train twice a week, you can start with 2 long circuits, then alternate by doing 1 long circuit and 1 short circuit per week. When you are training 3 times a week, you can do 2 long circuits alternating with 1 short circuit.

When to do HIIT cardio?

HIIT cardio is a cardio workout that alternates moderate and high intensity cardio. There may be a recovery time between the two and this circuit training must be repeated several times.

This cardio is recommended for experienced exercisers. This one will make you lose weight and especially when you stop the activity, you will continue to burn calories in the hours following the session. The TABATA method can also be a good way.


There are so many choices for cardio. Whether it's treadmill or circuit training, spinning, Zumba for women or aquabiking group classes... Whether it's slow, moderate or HIIT cardio, it's all about choosing the activity you enjoy. It should depend on what you want to achieve: to build muscle, to burn fat and as many calories as possible, to complete a workout, to stay healthy, or to warm up before a weight training session. The choice is yours!

Finally, you'll burn more calories doing a 45-minute weight training session than doing slow cardio in the same time. In every gym today, you'll find a cardio training area. It's best to do both, but they're both good for your metabolism.

If you wish, you can take the test with the cardio watch below.

cardio training

Please note: Slow, moderate speed cardio is also known as LISS or Low Intensity Steady State. Short, high-intensity cardio, on the other hand, is known as HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training.

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