A man looks at himself in a gym mirror as he pulls up his T-shirt, stomach and pectorals visible.

How to strengthen the transverse muscle for a flat stomach?

You've probably already heard of transverse muscle of the abdomen. But did you know that strengthening this deep muscle can help you to get a flat stomach ? It also helps improve your posture and breathing. But there's no need to spend hours doing crunches for this. In this article, I reveal the best exercises for building transverse abdominals and toning your figure.

Anatomy of the transversus abdominis muscle

Your abdominal strap is made up of 3 major muscles: 

  • The great rightwhich reveals the chocolate bars;
  • The slants (internal and external oblique) ; 
  • The transverse.

The rectus abdominis and obliques are superficial muscles. 

The transversus abdominis muscle lies deeper down. It inserts at the level of the last 7 ribs, the lumbar vertebrae and the pelvis (more precisely, the iliac crest, like the psoas).

In fact, the transverse owes its name to the horizontal orientation of its muscle fibresand is one of the stabilizing muscles of the upper body.

The anatomy of the transverse muscle, highlighted in orange, which surrounds the abdominal girdle.
The transverse muscle forms a kind of sheath around the trunk.

What is the role of the transversus abdominis muscle?

The transversus abdominis muscle plays a central role in the functioning of the abdominal girdle. It enables stabilize the trunk.

It also plays a role in organ compression and visceral support. That's why, when properly developed, it helps to achieve a flat stomach and slim waistline. 

Coupled with the perineumThe transverse muscle acts like a corset (or girdle) that protects the center of your body, as well as your back. backbone. Whether you're doing squats, deadlifts, running or any other physical activity, it's an invaluable aid in preventing lower back pain and boosting your performance.

Through a phenomenon of contraction, it is also this muscle that allows you toexhale.

Finally, strengthening the transversus muscles is an excellent way toimprove your posture.

A man with his back to us, wearing a green T-shirt, holds his lower back with his 2 hands, as he suffers from lower back pain.
Strengthening the transversus abdominis relieves back pain and improves posture.

In short, the transverse abdominis muscle performs a wide range of functions. That's why it's so important to work its tone. Of course, this must be done in addition to traditional abdominal exercises (crunch, leg raise, etc.) which recruit the superficial parts, i.e. the rectus abdominis and obliques.

How can I build up my transversus abdominis?

Of course, spending time building up your transversus abdominis won't do you any good. burn caloriesor lose weight. That said, the same applies to classic abs, whose energy expenditure is far too low to eliminate abdominal fat and love handles.

To lose weight, let me remind you that the one and only solution is to implement a caloric deficit.

For all that, exercise to strengthen the transversus abdominis is essential for slimming your figure and preventing injury. Here are 3 movements to perform regularly, at the end of your workouts or on your days off.

The stomach vacuum

This movement is one of the best exercises for the transverse muscle. In fact, I have dedicated an entire article on stomach vacuum.

The aim of this exercise is to suck in your navel as far as possible by pulling in the bellyIt's as if you wanted to press it against your lumbar vertebrae. In fact, the simple act of pulling in your stomach engages the entire transverse muscle.

To enjoy the benefits of stomach vacuumIt's not enough to simply contract the muscle; you also need to concentrate on the quality of your breathing (inhalation and exhalation).

In concrete terms, lie on the floor with your knees bent and your arms at your sides. You can also do the exercise standing up. Take a deep breath in, then exhale slowly, hollowing out your belly. Hold this starting position for around 30 seconds, returning to a calm, controlled breathing rhythm. Then relax, and do 3 to 4 sets.

At first, it may be difficult to feel the contraction of the transversus abdominis. A simple way to identify this is to place a hand on your belly. The first few times, it may also be a good idea to draw in your belly on the inhalation phase, and try to maintain this position on the exhalation phase.

Two photos of sports coach Julien Quaglierini performing the stomach vacuum exercise to strengthen his transverse muscle.
The stomach vacuum is essential for building up your transverse muscles.


More than just an exercise, Pilates is a method that brings together a set of movements and postures designed to target the recruitment of deep muscles. It's a powerful approach to improving posture and balance.

Based on flexibility and breathing, the Pilates is effective for building transverse muscle.

Here are a few exercises to include in your morning routine or abdominal program: 

  • The double leg lift
  • Le hundred
  • The cancan
  • Criss cross
  • The superman
  • The cat stretch
A woman dressed in black, on all fours on a fitness mat, performs the cat stretch exercise.
The cat stretch, like all Pilates exercises, targets deep muscles.

The sheathing

In addition to its many benefits, exercising the board is interesting for toning the transverse muscle.

To activate your transverse muscles when you sheathing exercisesJust remember to keep your back straight and suck in your navel.


Strengthen the transversus abdominis muscle abdominal wall is essential for a flat stomach. But in addition to its importance for aesthetics, it also plays an important protective role for your trunk and spine. In addition to working the rectus abdominis and abdominal obliques, remember to use them several times a week to refine your figure.

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