How to do a kick back with dumbbells?

Which muscles work the kick back?

The kick back with the dumbbells is a back extension which aims at muscling the back part of the arm. Muscularly, it is mainly the triceps and the back part of the shoulder, the posterior deltoid.

How to do the exercise?

Stand next to a bench on the side opposite the limb you want to work.

Press your free arm against the bench and keep your arm straight. Your arm should be perpendicular to the floor. Rest your knee on the bench and keep your back straight and covered.

Hold your dumbbell in the neutral position, i.e. with your thumb facing forward.
Bend your shoulder so that your humerus is in line with your body. Your forearm should remain perpendicular to the ground.

Take a breath, block it, then lift your forearm backwards to finish with your arm stretched backwards. Be careful, only theforearm must move, the shoulder must remain completely locked during the entire movement.
Exhale at the end of the backward extension.

Hold the extension and contraction of your arm for 1 to 2 seconds and then slowly return to your starting position while holding the weight of your dumbbell. Pause for 1 to 2 seconds in the starting position and then repeat.

Control your movement from start to finish. Don't throw your arm back, or let your arm fall forward once you've completed the movement.

Tips on how to do the kick back

  1. The flatter and more parallel your back is to the bench, the more effort will be put on your arm and the more efficient the movement will be.
    Conversely, if your chest is raised, you will tend to throw your arm backwards and work more on your momentum than your strength.
  2. Don't work with too high a load. You will find it difficult to start your movement and you will tend to throw your arm. In addition, you may not be able to finish the extension and therefore not work optimally.

Variations, the two-arm kick back.

  • It is possible to perform this movement with both arms simultaneously.
  • The most difficult one is the standing one because you have to keep your back straight without any support on a bench.
  • The second one can be done sitting at the end of a bench, the sheathing of the back is facilitated and one can work the two arms at the same time with more safety.
  • The kick back can also be done with the pulley.

Find this exercise in the following weight training program: huge arms



kick back dumbbells

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