How to do the barbell split?

How to do the barbell split?

The bench press is an ideal way to develop the pectoral muscles. The bench press with dumbbells is an exercise of isolation which makes it possible to work the pectoral ones while minimizing the intervention of the shoulders and the triceps. It is generally carried out at the end of the session after having previously carried out heavy basic exercises. These will work in an almost isolated way. Indeed...

How to do the slammed pumps?

How to do the slammed pumps?

The slammed push-ups are ideal to work the pectoral muscles, the triceps, the deltoids, but also the trapezoids, and the whole body to a lesser extent. The push-ups are well known to work above all the pectoral muscles (great pectoral and small pectoral) but they also solicit the shoulders, triceps and trapezoids. In reality the muscles...

How to do the bench press?

How to do the bench press?

The barbell bench press is a basic exercise that targets mainly the triceps and pectorals but also the front of the shoulders. The stabilizing muscles are also solicited contrary to the guided bar but it can not be appropriate for everyone according to the morphology of each one. How to carry out the exercise? After having...

How to do the Pull over?

How to do the Pull over?

This exercise aims to solicit many muscles: the pectoral muscles, the dorsal muscles, the triceps, the serratus major, the rhomboid. Which muscles are requested during the pull over? The Pull over which is an exercise olé-articulare is often regarded as an exercise of musculation essential to integrate into a session of pectoral...

How to do the Seated Developments on the Convergent Machine?

How to do the Seated Developments on the Convergent Machine? The limitations of this type of machine, like all guided machines, are The stabilizing muscles are much less solicited than with free loads. How to carry out the exercise? By varying the height of the seat, one can solicit different parts of the pectoral muscles. An adjustment of the seat lower will allow a more important solicitation of the top of the pectoral muscles...

How to make the Diamond Pumps?

How to make the Diamond Pumps?

Diamond push-ups : Everything you need to know about this exercise How to do push-ups? How to develop your triceps and the inside of your pectoral muscles without the use of weight training equipment? Diamond push-ups are part of the answer! Many bodybuilders think that you need to develop your biceps to get the best out of your body.